It can come unexpectedly out of nowhere. A wrong turn in the bed, being absorbed with your smartphone or working on something. Out of the blue, just like that, your neck is stuck and it hurts.
For us humans this was always a common problem. But since the beginning of the widespread use of computers and then cellphones this painful issue exacerbated.
Mostly the reason is poor posture: our neck is held for many hours in an angle that nature did not intend it. So posture awareness and alignment is obviously the real solution.
But what to do if it already happened? What to do if you are reading these lines having an annoying pain that you can’t resolve. Well, you came to the right place.
Learning few key acupressure points and how to press them, can resolve a pain that otherwise will haunt you for days.
Another benefit: these points are also effective for some types of headache. You’re welcome to try.
So here goes.

Here are four great acupressure points that can help with a painful neck.
Point 1: just below the bone, on the outer side of the muscle. Press sideways towards the center of the neck. If you got the point right you will feel the press in your ear and the side of your head. Press and hold for at least 20 second.
Point 2: just bellow the skull bone, little below and under the ear. Press perpendicular to the neck, as if you wish to push the muscle into the neck. If you got the point right you will feel the press in your ear and the side of your head and down your neck. Press and hold for at least 20 second.
Point 3: two fingers width below point 1, on the outer side of the muscle. Press sideways towards the center of the neck. If you got the point right you will feel the press down your neck until the shoulder. Press and hold for at least 20 second.
Point 4: two fingers width below point 3, on the outer side of the muscle. Press sideways towards the center of the neck. If you got the point right you will feel the press down your neck until the shoulder. Press and hold for at least 20 second.
Please let us know if you tried pressing these points and whether you got the desired result of a neck free of pain and cramps!